Cheap flights to Belgium
Information about flights to Belgium
General information about Belgium
Belgium is one of the Benelux countries in Western Europe. The centres of the European Union and NATO are located here. The country's residents speak Dutch, German and French. Many communities such as Romans and Flemings have lived here for centuries. While there is the Atlantic in the west of the country, Belgium borders the Netherlands, Germany, France and Luxembourg. The country is considered to be one of the most developed countries today.
For a Belgium plane ticket to Belgium, the country's summer period is suitable. During this period, the average temperatures are 20 degrees. The influence of the continental climate shows a mild climate effect in the western regions. In winter the average temperature is 3-4 degrees.
Behind the economic power of Belgium are industries like automobiles, machines, diamonds, textiles, oil and plastics. Belgium was one of the first civilizations to join the industrial revolution. Many minorities live within the country's borders. The most notable are Dutch, Turkish, French, and Italian.
Brussels, the capital of the country, is not only considered the centre of Belgium, but also the centre of Europe. It houses many architectural works from the middle Ages on the country's borders.
Flight information to Belgium
There are a total of 5 airports across the country. The most visited is Brussels Airport. 39 different airlines operate at Brussels Airport. Almost 200 flights are carried out here every week. More than 150 of these flights fly abroad.
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